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War in the East 2 - Steel Inferno Drama on the Danube AAR

Published on October 21, 2022

Steel Inferno - Drama on the Danube AAR

Today we have for you the second After Action Report from the new Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2: Steel Inferno scenario pack!  This report showcases head to head play in the "Drama on the Danube" scenario, considered by many to be a favorite and an advanced scenario for experienced players who are looking for a challenge.

Since early June 1944, the front along the Rumanian-Ukrainian border had been quiet after a failed Soviet offensive in April-June. Soviet attention switched first to the preparations for the Bagration offensive and then for a renewal of the attacks around Lvov. At this stage, the German line in the region was stable and Army Group South Ukraine’s left flank comprising of Army Group North Ukraine’s 1st Hungarian Army had been pushed out of the Stanislav area and into the more defensible Carpathian Mountains along the Hungarian border. The front in Rumania had been quiet in the early summer of 1944, allowing the Germans and Rumanians to prepare and rehabilitate shattered divisions from their costly withdrawal from the Ukraine.

However, as the German position worsened to the north, Army Group South Ukraine had to give up almost all of its armored forces. The only armored reserves available to the army group where the recuperating 20th and 13th Panzer Divisions, 10th Panzergrenadier Division, and the underequipped 1st Rumanian Armored Division.

The Soviets, in the meantime steadily built up. Their plan was relatively simple, 2 Ukrainian Front was to attack southwards along the line of the Prut while 3 Ukrainian Front would attack west. In combination the aim was to encircle the German 6 and 8 Armies and force Rumania out of the war.

Here's an excerpt from the Designer's Notes to set the scene:

"The tension in this scenario is what makes it great. The Germans are going to have to deal immediately with the Rumanians collapsing and most of the 6th and 8th Armies being destroyed. Then the Bulgarians (with the 5th Army and I Corps located in Yugoslavia) switch sides and turn on the Germans. This turn of events endangers Army Group E’s position in Greece and those forces must be evacuated before they are cut off. The Germans will have to scrap together forces to clear the partisans and Bulgarians from the Athens-Pristina-Belgrade rail line to secure their rear lines of communication. Not only that, but Tito’s partisans occupy great swathes of land. ...  Balancing the needs of the front line with securing the rear areas is part of the overall difficulty. ...
The scenario is absolute madness and for the German player, the situation certainly looks hopeless. I would not recommend anyone to play a PBEM game without playing a few solo sessions first as there are many events and house rules that can sneak up on you and take you completely by surprise if you are unaware of the consequences. ...  This scenario is tough and unfair and it was designed to be that way."

Steel Inferno - Drama on the Danube AAR

For more information on War in the East 2: Steel Inferno, please see the product page here.

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