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Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive is looking for beta testers

Published on March 02, 2021

Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive, the fourth wargame in the Decisive Campaign series by VR Designs, is looking for beta testers. Covering the battles in the Ardennes between December 1944 and January 1945, it brings to life Operational wargaming by lowering the scale to just above tactical level.

Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive comes with dozens of additions, changes and improvements designed to fit its scale and to bring innovation to the series. The result is an extremely immersive operational wargame where, more than ever, intelligent tactics can beat the odds.

If you're curious to know more, here's a glimpse of what we've been working on lately.

The side window to the right shows all relevant information about the selected Hex, rather than the selected unit. 

You can see your movement type, supply state and reserves on the counter and the collapsible unit window to the right shows the actual details and/or calculations. 

We also updated the supply layer mode and that now allows you to pick which supply move matrix you want to see. 

Officers also got their own collapsible unit window, so you can easily play their cards, while still being able to inspect your units. 

There are 4 kinds of standing orders you can give to a unit: Replacement request %, Supply request %, Intercept fire minimum to hit chance %, and Retreat at Losses %.


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